London film festival
Festival Highlights
Thu 28
| 21:15
| Vue Screen 3
An additional screening of the Grierson Award-winning
El traje de Darth Vader
La puja por el traje de Darth Vader comienza con 263.000 euros
El mítico vestuario del villano de «Star Wars»,
utilizado en «El imperio contraataca», sera puesto a la venta a finales
de noviembre en Londres.

Un traje original de Darth Vader, el lado oscuro de
la fuerza, será puesto a la venta a finales de noviembre en Londres con
un precio de salida de 263.000 euros, informó este
miércoles la casa de subastas Christie's.
Se cree que el traje del malo de la Guerra de las
Galaxias, que incluye el casco y la máscara, fue utilizado para la
segunda entrega de la primera trilogía, El Imperio Contraataca,
en 1980.
Neil Roberts, jefe del departamento de cultura
popular de Christie's, manifestó que «Darth Vader es un personaje que se
define por su vestimenta, que le ha convertido en uno de los personajes
más reconocidos de la historia del cine».
«El atractivo global que tienen las películas de
La Guerra de las Galaxias y el interés que han generado en varias
generaciones, quizás no tienen precedentes en el mundo del cine»,
Roberts consideró que su fuerza icónica está por
encima de la de otras reliquias del cine subastadas por Christie's en el
pasado, como las zapatillas rojas de la Dorothy de El mago de Oz
o un vestido hecho a medida para Audrey Hepburn en Desayuno con
Un porcentaje de la venta del traje de Darth Vader
se donará a una organización británica de investigación sobre el cáncer.
El precio final se conocerá el 25 de noviembre.
Fuente: La Voz de Galicia
As choivas torrenciais provocan a
enchente do río, que inunda un pobo. A corrente arrastra ós
irmáns Crebinsky e a súa vaca, que aparecen milagrosamente vivos nun
lugar da costa.

Crecen alí, ao pé dun faro, a base de
sobrevivir recollendo cousas que trae o mar, as crebas.
Illados dos acontecementos bélicos que lles rodean, crean o seu propio mundo: Un universo particular de realismo fantasioso.
Illados dos acontecementos bélicos que lles rodean, crean o seu propio mundo: Un universo particular de realismo fantasioso.
O ritmo cotiá de convivencia coa súa vaca Muchka, vese alterado cando
esta desaparece.
É entón cando os irmáns inician unha busca desesperada que os levará da costa cara ó interior.
Unha road movie auténtica, unha viaxe interior de encontros inesperados, sentimentos ocultos e recordos borrados.
Sen saber onde van, rematan descubrindo de onde veñen.
É entón cando os irmáns inician unha busca desesperada que os levará da costa cara ó interior.
Unha road movie auténtica, unha viaxe interior de encontros inesperados, sentimentos ocultos e recordos borrados.
Sen saber onde van, rematan descubrindo de onde veñen.
Making of del rodaje de la película Crebinsky.
Crebinsky film making of.
Making of da rodaxe da película Crebinsky.
Darwin Deez
The band began to receive public attention in the UK during late 2009, which followed the release of the band's debut single, "Constellations". In April 2010, the band released their second single, "Radar Detector", which managed to reach #62 in the UK Singles Chart, #5 on the UK Indie Chart and #1 on the Albion Street most played songs list. The band's self-titled debut album, Darwin Deez, was released on 12 April 2010 in both the UK and the U.S.. The third single from the album, "Up In The Clouds" was released on 12 July
Self-titled debut, Anika, produced by Geoff Barrow of Portishead. Out in USA on Stones Throw Records in December.
"Political Journalist" isn't a credential we usually have in musician's bios, but this is exactly what Anika was doing while living between Berlin and Bristol earlier this year when she met Geoff Barrow. The producer was looking for a new singer to work with his band Beak>, and it was immediately clear they shared the same musical vision, including a love of punk, dub and 60s girl groups.
Just a week later Anika and Beak> (Barrow, Billy Fuller and Matt Williams) went into the studio to begin recording material. The resulting album was recorded in twelve days, live, with the four together in one room. Dub with no overdubs. The collaboration is political, trashy, dub, punk, funk ... a cohesive sound, and and experience in uneasy listening.
In the tradition of short-lived but deeply influential 99 Records and the NYC's 80s No Wave nexus, the nine songs on Anika run the gamut from experimental rock ("Yang Yang", "Officer Officer") to covers of folk ("Masters of War") and pop songs ("Terry", "I Go to Sleep"), while showcasing reverb-drenched ancient drum machine rhythms.
The album will be released by Beak's label Invada in Europe, and in USA & Japan by Stones Throw.

Liverpool Biennial 2010: 18
September - 28 November 2010
For ten weeks every two years the city of Liverpool is transformed into the most amazing living gallery of new art, showcasing the best contemporary artists from around the world.
After attracting the most visitors yet in 2008, Liverpool Biennial 2010 will see a continued emphasis on commissioning the most ambitious and challenging new work offering the largest concentration of contemporary art anywhere in the UK.
Liverpool Biennial 2010 is bigger than ever before and includes the following six programmes:
The sixth edition of Liverpool Biennial’s International Exhibition is Touched - Consisting of around 40 new projects by leading and emerging international artists. Principally new commissions as well as several key works previously unseen in the UK, Touched will be presented across multiple venues: Tate Liverpool, the Bluecoat, FACT (Foundation for Art & Creative Technology), A Foundation and Open Eye Gallery, with half the exhibition sited in public spaces across the city.
Bloomberg New Contemporaries – the very best from up-and-coming artists’ studios throughout the UK presented at A Foundation, Greenland Street. City States – International exhibitions on the cultural dynamics between cities and states, presented at Contemporary Urban Centre. John Moores Painting Prize 2010– the UK’s leading contemporary painting competition, presented at the Walker Art Gallery.
S.Q.U.A.T. Liverpool 2010 - a collaboration between No Longer Empty and The Art Organisation re-animating abandoned premises around the city centre.
The Cooperative - an initiative jointly run by leading artist-led studios and collectives, Arena, Red Wire, The Royal Standard, Sound Network, LSSSS, Jump Ship Rat and Mercy.
There will also be a host of fringe activity under the banner of the Independents, providing an inspiring and diverse mix of exhibitions and events by internationally established as well as national and local young and mid-career artists.
The festival also includes a series of complementary programmes including Liverpool Biennial’s year round work - such as Richard Wilson’s Turning the Place Over - which will are highlighted in the Festival Guide.
For ten weeks every two years the city of Liverpool is transformed into the most amazing living gallery of new art, showcasing the best contemporary artists from around the world.
After attracting the most visitors yet in 2008, Liverpool Biennial 2010 will see a continued emphasis on commissioning the most ambitious and challenging new work offering the largest concentration of contemporary art anywhere in the UK.
Liverpool Biennial 2010 is bigger than ever before and includes the following six programmes:
The sixth edition of Liverpool Biennial’s International Exhibition is Touched - Consisting of around 40 new projects by leading and emerging international artists. Principally new commissions as well as several key works previously unseen in the UK, Touched will be presented across multiple venues: Tate Liverpool, the Bluecoat, FACT (Foundation for Art & Creative Technology), A Foundation and Open Eye Gallery, with half the exhibition sited in public spaces across the city.
Bloomberg New Contemporaries – the very best from up-and-coming artists’ studios throughout the UK presented at A Foundation, Greenland Street. City States – International exhibitions on the cultural dynamics between cities and states, presented at Contemporary Urban Centre. John Moores Painting Prize 2010– the UK’s leading contemporary painting competition, presented at the Walker Art Gallery.
S.Q.U.A.T. Liverpool 2010 - a collaboration between No Longer Empty and The Art Organisation re-animating abandoned premises around the city centre.
The Cooperative - an initiative jointly run by leading artist-led studios and collectives, Arena, Red Wire, The Royal Standard, Sound Network, LSSSS, Jump Ship Rat and Mercy.
There will also be a host of fringe activity under the banner of the Independents, providing an inspiring and diverse mix of exhibitions and events by internationally established as well as national and local young and mid-career artists.
The festival also includes a series of complementary programmes including Liverpool Biennial’s year round work - such as Richard Wilson’s Turning the Place Over - which will are highlighted in the Festival Guide.
Bryan Hitch signing Ultimate Comics Studio Saturday 23 October 13:00 - 14:00 London Megastore 179 Shaftesbury Avenue, London, WC2H 8JR
BRYAN HITCH will be signing his ULTIMATE COMICS STUDIO at the Forbidden Planet Megastore, 179 Shaftesbury Avenue, London WC2H 8JR on Saturday 23rd October 1 - 2pm Join the world's top comic artist Bryan Hitch, as he explores his inspirations, approaches and techniques through a stunning collection of his finest pieces from Marvel, as well as brand new pieces commissioned especially for this book. Packed with information, practical tips on panel composition, storytelling, tools and materials, inspiration and references, how to break into the industry and much more, this is the long awaited guide and a must-have for Bryan Hitch fans all over the world. Including a foreword by writer, director and producer of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Joss Whedon, this is a veritable visual feast of dynamic, impactful art for comic fans all over the world. Listing the all comics credits to Bryan Hitch’s name would be impossible – he may well be the most prolific and accomplished comics artist working today. With a career that spans both Marvel and DC, working with some of the genre’s foremost writers – including Mark Millar (for the Ultimates, The Ultimates 2 and Fantastic Four) and Warren Ellis (for Stormwatch and launching The Authority). The BBC also hired Bryan as the concept artist for the 2005 relaunch of Doctor Who and he has had particular input into the redesign of the TARDIS.
When Buildings Come Alive
A new form of urban art is popping up in cities throughout the world.
Urban Projection Mapping, as it is loosely known, is the art of creating video displays that make
buildings come alive in light, color and motion. Armed with powerful
technology, a handful of enterprising video artists create vivid,
visually arresting video displays that are projected on urban
architecture. These videos tell stories, form abstract imagery and in
some cases, sell products. To celebrate this new form of urban art,
here are 10 of the best urban projection mapping videos by some of the
world’s best artists.
Reader take note, that in contrast to many of the other features here on TheCoolist,
the videos below combine for over an hour of footage. You may want to
watch a few, save the link and return to enjoy the rest at your
leisure. Each video below is absolutely worth your time, a solid
representation of an extraordinary movement in urban art.
Kraft Work by Seeper
The interactive arts and technology collective known as Seeper
is amongst the best of the world’s urban projection mapping artists.
Earlier this year, Seeper unveiled an urban projection on the famed
Volkswagen factory in Wolfsburg, Germany, also the home to the auto
giant’s headquarters. Not long after dusk set in, the Volkswagen
factory came alive in the vision of Seeper, to a display rich in color,
character and creativity.
KraftWork from seeper on Vimeo.
Joy Is BMW Ad by NuFormer
Advertisers have become well aware of the urban projection mapping
trend, having hired video artists to present their wares to the world.
In May of 2010, the NuFormer
projection team displayed an advertisement for BMW that was shown in
Sun Tec City, Singapore. The video was projected across two buildings
in an open square, displayed for the public and BMW executives alike.
NuFormer - BMW, Singapore, May 2010 from NuFormer Projection on Vimeo.
Aeroport Mapping by MaculaThe projection artist Macula created this stunning display on the facade
of the Aeroport nightclub during the 44th Karlovy Vary International
Film Festival. Karlovy Vary, known as Carlsbad in English, is a Czech
town of 50,000 that has become a hot spot for arts and culture, famous
for its hot spring-fed baths. The architecture of Karlovy Vary lends
itself perfectly to the visual whims of Macula in this video.
Aeroport mapping from the macula on Vimeo.
The Adobe Museum of Digital Media
The Adobe Museum of Digital Media is the world's first virtual art
museum dedicated to digital art & innovation and will be live on
Oct. 6. This video showcases the museum architecture in various
locations around the world. If you're interested in learning more,
follow the link to become a member!
A day in the life of New York City, in miniature.
The Sandpit from Sam O'Hare on Vimeo.
Winner: Prix Ars Electronica Award of Distinction 2010 Original Music: composed by Human (, co-written by Rosi Golan and Alex Wong.
Raytheon | Wearable Robotics
Clark Gregg, the actor known for his recurring role in the Iron Man movies, was on hand to witness the unveiling of the XOS 2 robotic suit at the Raytheon Sarcos research facility in Salt Lake City, Utah. Paramount Home Entertainment prepared this video to coincide with the release of Iron Man 2 on Blu ray and DVD on September 28, 2010.
Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival
The Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival filmed in 2010 by Sam O'Hare and Aerofilm production.
Canon Pixma Sound Sculptures from Dentsu London on Vimeo.
Dentsu London has just launched a beautiful project promoting the new line of Canon Pixma printers.
Done in collaboration with the biochemical / photographer Linden Gledhill, the project called "Sound Sculptures" can be considered surreal, capturing paints simply dancing through the waves of sound. All captured with maximum detail and color. The agency came to Linden through its project called "Water Figures", which became known worldwide, and would fit perfectly to the concept "bringing color to life," used by the Canon PIXMA printers.
The photographs and filming took place using a Canon 5D Mark II, Canon EF 100mm Macro USM.
Canon Pixma Sound Sculptures from Dentsu London on Vimeo.
Frieze Music 2010
Friday 15 October will see Hercules and Love Affair perform at Debut, one of London’s most innovative new music spaces, situated under the arches of London Bridge Station.
Telepathe, the avant-pop duo’s debut album, Dance Mother (2009), was produced by TV on the Radio’s Dave Sitek and was described by Uncut as one of the New York scene’s ‘most enchanting new records’. A revolving line-up based around the duo Busy Gangnes and Melissa Livaudais, the band combines indie-electro with hiphop. Berlin-based duo Hype Williams and FACT DJs (from Fact Magazine, London) will also play.
Telepathe, the avant-pop duo’s debut album, Dance Mother (2009), was produced by TV on the Radio’s Dave Sitek and was described by Uncut as one of the New York scene’s ‘most enchanting new records’. A revolving line-up based around the duo Busy Gangnes and Melissa Livaudais, the band combines indie-electro with hiphop. Berlin-based duo Hype Williams and FACT DJs (from Fact Magazine, London) will also play.
Dalton Ghetti creates amazing art on the tips of used pencils

Most of us will agree with the age-old saying that “patience is a virtue.” How many of you, however, would actually hang on for two years and a half to bring a piece of art into existence? Dalton Ghetti, 49, a Bridgeport artist, has spent 25 good years working with a razor blade, a sewing needle and a sculpting knife for carving his unique art on the graphite of pencil.
The artist said: "I don’t make money from it but I would love a gallery owner in England to fly me over and put on a show".
The inclination to fashion something new did not surface all of a sudden. Rather, a childhood hobby evolved into remarkable art with time. You could see, in below images, how he utilizes the leftovers of used graphite pencils to create tiny sculptures. His projects include a line of 26 alphabets, a handsaw, a single rice-grain-sized teardrop for every victim of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and much more...
Frieze Projects

Frieze Projects
Frieze Projects is a programme of artists’ commissions realised annually at Frieze Art Fair
Frieze Talks
Frieze Talks features leading art-world figures, philosophers, and critical theorists participating in panel discussions and delivering keynote lectures.
Frieze Film
Frieze Film 2010 will present four new artists’ film commissions that will form part of a curated film programme that will be screened in a temporary bespoke cinema constructed for Frieze Art Fair 2010.Frieze Art Fair is held at Regent’s Park, London
2010 Opening Hours
Thursday 14 October: 11am-7pmFriday 15 October: 11am-7pm
Saturday 16 October: 11am-7pm
Sunday 17 October: 11am-6pm

Frieze Music
Frieze Music is an off-site music programme, in 2010 it will be curated by Sarah McCrory and Sam Thorne.
The Cartier Award
Cartier Award 2010 has been won by Simon Fujiwara. The Cartier Award, for emerging artists living outside the UK, is a major initiative in collaboration with Gasworks and sponsored by Cartier.
Frieze Education
Frieze Education is a programme of artist-led events for families and school groups, presented in association with Deutsche Bank.
Frieze Projects is a programme of artists’ commissions realised annually at Frieze Art Fair.
Frieze Talks is a daily programme of keynote lectures, panel debates and discussions. It is presented by Frieze Foundation and programmed by the editors of frieze magazine.
Frieze Film is commissioned by Frieze Foundation and is broadcast by Channel 4 during the week of Frieze Art Fair.
Frieze Music 2010 will present two specially curated nights of very different sounds, one of disco and a second of exquisite song from a singular voice.
In 2009 Frieze Education once again worked with ReachOutRCA to realize an artist-led programme of events for children and young people.
The winner of the 2010 Cartier Award is the Berlin-based artist Simon Fujiwara.
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